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Agendas - 8th January 2024, 12th February & 4th March 2024

Letter to BTC regarding ringfenced monies for nature reserves and play areas

Letter to Simon White regarding permissive footpath through The Hyde Care Home

Letter to R & L Rhodes regarding Jubilee Tree

Agenda - 13th November 2023

Letters to residents at 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68 and 70 Howard Road regarding area adjacent to garages abutting Valley View Amenity Area

Letter to David Carey, Dorset Council regarding Spinners Lane

Agenda - 9th October 2023

Letter to Tony Burden - Dorset Council regarding speed limits 

Agenda - 11th July 2023 to 10th September 2023

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Land to the South of Barn Corner / Planning Application P/MPO/2023/04147

Agenda - 12th June 2023 and 10th July 2023

Letter to Neil Wedge of DAPTC

Agenda - 15th May 2023

Further Letter to R Bennett regarding trees in Walditch / Sycamore Avenue

Letter to Forestry Commission regarding trees in Walditch / Sycamore Avenue

Agenda - 3rd April 2023

Letter to Village Hall Secretaries regarding insurance for events

Further letter to Highways England regarding A35/Sea Road South, Bridport, Dorset Dt6 & Footpath W5/5

Agenda - 13th March 2023

Letter to Dorset Council Tree Team regarding Sycamore Avenue (G Cox / J Bennett)

letter to Dorset Council Tree Team regarding Tree Issues (in both villages (N Collins)

Letter to R Snelgrove (DIGS) regarding Bothenhampton Nature Reserve

Letters to Walditch Village Hall, Bothenhampton Village Hall, Lower Walditch Play Area & Orchard Secretary regarding insurance for events

Letter to Dorset Council Highways regarding Hollow Way / High Pavement (D Carey)

Letter to Highways England regarding A35/Sea Road South, Bridport, Dorset Dt6 / Footpath W5/5

Further letter to Dorset Council Tree Team (Andrew Douglas) regarding Sycamore Avenue

Agenda - 13th February 2023

Letter to C Loder MP - regarding visit to Parish Council Annual Meeting 

Letter to Walditch Village Hall, Bothenhampton Village Hall and Lower Walditch Play Area regarding

  coronation of King Charles III

Letter and sketch to Ashley Cooper regarding John Gundry Play Area

Letter to Ms C Donald regarding footpath W5/21

Agenda - 9th January 2023

Letter to Dorset Council Trading Standards regarding sheep on Walditch Road - email

Agenda - 10th October 2022

Letter to Mr G Cox (Dorset Council) regarding Sycamore Avenue, Walditch

Agenda - 14th November 2022

Letter to Mr G Cox (Dorset Council) regarding Sycamore Avenue, Walditch

Letter to Cllr E Berry

Agenda - 12th September 2022

Letter to J Smith regarding Crock Lane

Letter to P Maynard regarding cyclists


Letter to K Ockenden regarding John Holt Play Area 

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Marrowbone Lane

Letter to Mrs Sargent regarding Valley Road

Letter to Bridport Town Council regarding Investment in Bridport

Agenda - 18th July 2022

Letter to Mr J Bennett (Dorset Council) regarding Sycamore Avenue, Walditch

Agenda - 13th June 2022

Letter to C Loder MP regarding B3157 Road Safety

Agenda - 11th April 2022 and 9th May 2022

Letter to Ms K Pullen regarding Sycamore Tree overshadowing 20 Howard Road

Letter to Mrs R Ackerman regarding footpath 5/4 to the South West of 33 Crock Lane

Agenda - 14th March 2022

Letter to Bridport Town Council regarding Dog Bin

Letter to Walditch Village Hall Secretary regarding replacement village hall window

Letter to PlayQuest regarding path in Lower Walditch Play Area

Follow up letter(s) to BT regarding telegraph pole in Old Church Road, Bothenhampton

Letter to house owner 33 Crock Lane regarding fence encroaching onto footpath

Agenda - 7th February 2022

Letter to Bridport Town Council regarding BLAP Contribution and BLAP Protocol

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Quarry Lane and overhanging vegetation

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Hollow Way and raised pavement

Letter to PlayQuest regarding path at Lower Walditch Play Area

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Howard Road / Gundry Road Junction DT6 4SH - Request for ‘SLOW DOWN HORSES AND CHILDREN’ signs, Howard Road, Walditch

Letter to 56 Howard Road regarding Howard Road / Gundry Road Junction DT6 4SH - Request for ‘SLOW DOWN HORSES AND CHILDREN’ signs, Howard Road, Walditch

Agenda - 10th January 2022

Letter to Messrs Bennett & Cox, Dorset Council, regarding Walditch Trees

Letter to Dorset Council regarding water seepage at Long Lane, Bothenhampton

Letter to Bridport Town Council regarding BLAP contributions

Letter to Cllr K Clayton regarding Walditch trees

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Community Governance Review

Letter to PlayQuest regarding Lower Walditch Play Area

Letter to Mrs P Maynard regarding Crown roundabout / Sea Road South

Letter to Highways England regarding Crown roundabout / Sea Road South

Letter to Dorset Council regarding  trees near the bottom of Walditch Road by the Crock Lane footpath

Follow up letter to Mrs P Maynard following response from Highways England

Letter to Dorset Council Planning regarding 33 Manor Fields, DT6 4DB

Agenda - 8th November 2021

Letter to Mr R Snelgrove regarding Wanderwell Quarry

Letter to Playdale regarding John Gundry  Play Area

Follow up letter to Playdale regarding John Gundry Play Area

Letter to Mr Parsons regarding dumping of waste on Walditch Knapp

Letter to Mr Pymore regarding damaged beech tree in the Avenue, Walditch

Second follow up Letter to Dorset Council regarding Speed Limits in parish

Agenda - 11th October 2021

Letter to Dorset Councillors regarding Community Governance Review

Letter to James Bennett (Dorset Council) regarding Beech and London Plane TPOs

Letter to Mrs Willis

Letter to The Hyde regarding trees and footpaths

Letter to Walditch Village Hall Committee

Letter to Mr H Allen regarding Community Governance review

Agenda - 13th September 2021

Letter to Dorset Council Environmental Health Deptament and Dorset Council AONB regarding flytipping of waste on AONB land between the Hyde and Bonscombe

Letter to D Dixon (BTC) regarding BANP Annual Monitoring Report


Letter to R Goff and G Nicholson (Dorset Council) regarding outstanding portal requests

Letter to Dorset Council (M Garrity et al) regarding Homestead Farm

Letter to Dorset Council (Highways) regarding 20mph speed limits

Letter to Playdale regarding John Gundry Play Area

Agenda - 14th June 2021

Follow up letter to Chief Executive Officer Dorset Council regarding Homestead Farm – height and dimension plans

Responses from Dorset Council regarding Homestead Farm height and dimension plans

Letter to Lower Walditch Play Area Committee regarding additional play equipment

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Sycamore Avenue tree replacement

Letter to Mr R Jackman regarding Homestead Farm

Letter to Mrs MacDermott regarding Tony's Track

Letter to PlayQuest regarding repairs to play Equipment (lack of response by PlayQuest)

Agenda - 26th April 2021

Letter to R Pikesley and copies to Dorset Council and Bridport Town Council

Letter to Chris Loder MP regarding Dorset National Park

Letter to Dorset Council Planning / Development Management regarding Planning Appeal A/WD/D/19/003186 Homestead Farm, Main Street, Bothenhampton, Bridport DT6 4BJ

Letter to Chief Executive Officer Dorset Council regarding Planning Process / Homestead Farm

Agenda - 12th April 2021

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Homestead Farm

Email to J Beal following FOI request

Letter to Richard Jackman

Letter to Chris Loder MP

Agenda - 8th March 2021

Letter to Dorset Council regarding transfer of nature reserves

Letter to Planning Inspectorate regarding Homestead Farm Planning Application Appeal

Letter to Bridport and West Dorset Sports Trust and the Real Tennis Club (Walditch Road) regarding ice on Walditch Road and footpath W5/7

Letter to Mr and Mrs de Greeff regarding steps on Bothen Hill (copied to DC Highways)

Agenda - 8th February 2021

Letter to Bridport Town Council regarding Footpath W1/13 ends and Footpath W5/5 begins

Letter to Dorset Council regarding WD/D/20/002660 MARROWBONE LANE

Letter to PlayQuest regarding play equipment signage and 'basic level mark' at Lower Walditch Play Area

Agenda - 11th January 2021

Letter to R Wheeler, Old School House regarding Telegraph Pole

Letter to Holy Trinity Church, Bothenhampton

Letter to British Telecom regarding Telegraph Pole -  Old Church Road

Letter to Cllr Gill Smith

Letter to Mrs Sargent - Valley Road

Letter to resident at 19 Valley Road

Follow up letter to BT regarding Telegraph Pole - Old Church Road

Letter to Mr D West regarding Bothenhampton Nature Reserve

Letter to Dorset Council regarding Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan / Survey

Agenda - 9th November 2020

Letter to J Riley

Letter to Edward Berry

Letter to Russell Goff and Giles Nicholson regarding Jellyfields / Bothenhampton Nature Reserves

Letter to David Dixon regarding BANP budget

Letter to Paul Fuszard (Bridport Town Council) regarding Lengthsmans hours

Letter to Mrs Irvine regarding heavy lorries and weight restriction along Main Street, Bothenhampton

Letter to D Carey (Dorset Council) regarding Burton Road traffic issues

Letter to Balfour Beatty regarding signage and street furniture along A35 Sea Road South

Letter to R Goff (Dorset Council) regarding Dorset Council walking map

Letter to P Watkins regarding Howard Road Rewilding

Email to Dorset Council regarding missing gate/fence at John Holt Play Area

Email to Jon Lake (Dorset Council) regarding Speed restrictions in Walditch

Agenda - 12th October 2020

Letter to  Cllrs Bolwell, Clayton, Williams regarding Homestead Farm (D Walsh)

Letter to Chris Loder MP, regarding Broadband in Walditch

Letter to Mr A Probets / D Carey (Dorset Council) regarding Flooding in Walditch

Letter to R Goff / N J Collins (Dorset Council) regarding Trees in the Parish

Emails to residents regarding rewilding of Howard Road Amenity Area.


Emails to S Arscott, BT and X2 Connect regarding Telephone / Book Box in Bothenhampton

Emails regarding footpath (Hollow Way to Lake Lane) aka Tony’s Track

Emails to Walditch VH Committee and Dorset Council regarding S106 and CIL monies for

   work at Walditch Village Hall

Emails to Edward Berry (potential new councillor)

Emails to V Newman regarding Bothenhampton Old Church

Emails to Robin Carter regarding availability of allotments

Emails regarding amended planning application 1 The Paddocks

Emails regarding BANP Budgets

Email to S Hyde regarding flooding in Bothenhampton

Email to Bridport Town Council regarding Lengthsman’s hours and invoice

Letter to Chris Wellman-Herold regarding Grant

Emails regarding dead / dying tree along Hollow Way (DC and Mrs Golds)

Agenda - 14th September 2020

Emails to M Hyatt / D Chambers regarding missing dog bin and fires in nature reserve

Thank you letter to C Sparkes

Submission to Dorset Council regarding WD/D/19/003186 Homestead Farm, Bothenhampton

Emails regarding Burton Road Traffic Issues

Letter to Highways England regarding Installation of pedestrian traffic lights on the A35 halfway along Sea Road South 

Emails regarding blocking of Right of Way at bottom of garden 1 – 4 Nordons,    Bothenhampton

Emails to J Ailward regarding Broadband in Walditch

Letter to D Carey (Dorset Council) regarding Flooding in Walditch

Letter to D Carey (Dorset Council) regarding weight restriction on Main Street, Bothenhampton

Letter to D Carey (Dorset Council) regarding Burton Road

Letter to Highways England regarding A35 / Sea Road South

Letter to Ken Hussey regarding inspection and maintenance of Lower Walditch Play Area

Agenda - 13th July 2020

Letter to  Cllr D Bolwell regarding Sycamore Avenue, Walditch

Letter to B Turner (Dorset Council) regarding Burton Road

Letter to R Goff (Dorset Council) regarding footpath W5/20

Agenda - 8th June 2020

Letter to  D Chambers regarding Dog Bins

Agenda - 11th May 2020

Letter to  Playquest regarding Lower Walditch Play Area

Agenda - 13th April 2020

Letter to  Playquest regarding Lower Walditch Play Area

Letter to Messrs Loades and Parker regarding Lower Walditch Play Area

Letter to  Dorset Council regarding availability of Section 106 monies


Letter to David Landscapes regarding Grass Cutting Contract


Letter to Derek Smith regarding Grass Cutting Contract 

Letter to Dorset Council regarding availability of Section 106 monies 

Letter to Mr C Loder (MP for West Dorset)

Agenda - 9th March 2020

Letter to  Mrs C Irvine, Main Street, Bothenhampton

Letter to Mr K Hughes, Homestead Farm

Letter to  Dorset Council regarding Walditch Speed Limit


Letter to Bridport Town Council requesting additional dog bins

Letter to Bridport Town Council regarding Nature Reserves


Letter to Mr A Hollingsworth and Mr G Cox regarding Sycamore Avenue, Walditch

Agenda - 10th February 2020

Letter to  Mr D Chambers (BTC) regarding Parish Nature Reserves

Letter to Mr M Watters regarding  Bothenhampton Old Church

Letter to  Mr S Christopher (Dorset Council) regarding Homestead Farm 

Agenda - 13th January 2020

Letter to Mr M Potter (Dorset Council) regarding Crock Lane Speed Limit and response

Letter to Mr B Turner (Dorset Council) regarding Walditch Road and Burton Road (potholes and speed)

Letter to Mr D Dixon (Bridport Town Council) regarding Neighbourhood Plan

Letter to Mr D Chambers (Bridport Town Council) regarding Jellyfields and Bothenhampton Nature Reserve

Agenda - 11th November 2019

Letter to Mr B Turner (Dorset Council) regarding Walditch Speed Limit

Letter to Mr N Collins (Dorset Council) regarding Tree Survey at John Gundry Play Area

Letter to Ms D Redding / Mr M Garrity (Dorset Council) regarding Homestead Farm 


Letter to Mr  G Nicholson (Dorset Council) regarding Jellyfields Nature Reserve

Letter to Mr A Hollingsworth (Dorset Council) regarding Sycamore Avenue, Walditch Road,

The Hyde, Walditch

Letter to Mr M Pearce regarding footpath and hedge to the right of Church Rise , Bothenhampton

Agenda - 14th October 2019

Letter to Ms D Redding regarding Planning Matter WD/D/17/001274 21 ELWELL, BRIDPORT DT6 4DX

Letter to Mr G Briggs regarding Cedar Tree to the rear of 7 Howard Road

Letter to Ms D Redding (Dorset Council) regarding Homestead Farm (23rd September 2019)


Letter to Mr and Mrs Irvine regarding Homestead Farm

Letter to Ms D Redding (Dorset Council) regarding Homestead Farm (30th September 2019)

Letter to Mr G Nicholson (Dorset Council) regarding Jellyfields Nature Reserve, Bridleways W5/9, W5/10 and Bridleway adjacent to Old Church Road, Bothenhampton

Agenda - 9th September 2019

Letter to D Chambers - Lower Walditch Play Area

Letter to Mr & Mrs Tuckwell, 1 Howard Road regarding Noticeboard

Letter to Mr R Robins regarding two storey extension recently constructed at Landfall, Old Church Road, Bothenhampton

Letter to J Marshall (DC Planning) regarding 11 Chestnut Road, Bridport DT6 4JP

Letter to J Marshall (DC Planning) regarding Homestead Farm, Bothenhampton DT6 4BJ

Emailed letter from Peter Wessel regarding cattle boluses found on Hyde Hill causing death of family dog.   Letter from Chairman to Peter Wessel requesting further information

Letter to Cllr Clayton regarding overgrown hedge opposite 66 Crock Lane, Bothenhampton

Letters to N Collins (Dorset Council), M Joy (Town & Country Tree Care and,

C Stoodley (Forest and Tree Care) regarding quotes for work in Valley View

Letter to Mr A Burfoot (Highways – South West Enquiries regarding A35 / Sea Road South

Emailed letter from Graham Purse regarding Bothenhampton Old Church – request for help with rubbish removal (£249.99).  Letter from Chairman in response

Emailed letter from Anita de Greeff (Bothen Hill) regarding hedges / verges overhanging trees in Crock Lane and vicinity. E-mail forwarded to DC for them action

Emailed letter from Giana Allen (Cherry Tree Cottage) regarding destruction of Dorset bank along Duck Street, various emailed responses and subsequent letter to Ms D Redding (Dorset County Planning) 

Emailed letter from Steve Farnham (Porter Dodson) attaching Lease for Lower Walditch Play Area and Orchard and Parish Council’s response asking for clarification of certain points.

Emailed request from G Briggs (7 Howard Close) for Cedar Tree on land adjacent to his property to be crowned.  PC response by email.  (see Agenda item in Section 7 of Agenda and Minutes)

Emailed letter to Ms L Hart regarding Melplash Show

Letter to Mr Geoff Matthews

©2018 Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council.

Website designed and created by Tan Cox 

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