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Walditch Gardeners 

We are an informal group of enthusiastic gardeners that normally  meet monthly on the last Thursday in the month (other than December)


  • Venue - Walditch Village Hall

  • At 10am, usually up to 1½-2hrs

  • We welcome anybody with an interest in gardening and wildlife. You do not need to be a Walditch resident 

  • What do we do?

    •  Informal discussion of current gardening topics

    • Provide help in diagnosing and dealing with garden problems

    • Exchange ideas and gardening tips

    • Exchange surplus plants and seeds

    • Notes distributed to participants following most meetings

    • We have recently started a conservation project in the churchyard

  • No annual subscription. Just £1 at each session attended to cover for hire of hall and coffee etc.

Occasionally we carry out a project -


In 2018 a small trench garden was planted as part of the church remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1


Currently we are working with the church to develop and monitor a conservation area in the churchyard (see photograph)


For more information contact  Jane Mowatt  (424581) or just turn up to a meeting

©2018 Bothenhampton & Walditch Parish Council.

Website designed and created by Tan Cox 

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